So here you have two warriors from both sides taking turns posing for the camera.
Elven Heroes on the foreground with a Knight of the Realms Champion behind
The Knight of the Realm Champion with a Phoenix Guard behind.
Somehow or another, during this picture taking session, the lighting gave these figures some nice shadow and color balance. I like how they are shadows forming around the figures, giving them a more defined look.
So as this new week begins, school is starting for me. As such, my painting intensity might probably drop.
I tried to attempt painting in full force during the holidays but I never seem to get around it. Its probably due to my social life and also hanging out with friends playing Battlestar Galactica, etc etc.
So far though, i Have finished painting my Men-at-arms, Started on my Trebuchet and have finish highlighting and basing my Grail Knights. Long way more to go.. But oh well, that's what you get when you over buy to many new models and they end up getting unpainted for a long long time. I intend to change that. Havent acquired anything new from Games Workshop for a year or two. Aside from paints, I haven't gotten anything new and I intend to finish what I have left.
If not, send some to painting services of course.. :P hehe.
I am looking forward to seeing your completed items and your upgrades and it is good to see determination among fellow painters.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, I can testify for many model builders and painters who have many more unfinished model kits and more.
I too have my fair share of unpainted stacks of stuff that eventually get auctioned off or sold without even having to attempt it.
Anyway, BSG does rock and I must say it does steal anyone's attention from the dreary effect of painting alot.
I couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteI must add that this does not just apply to you Warhammer fans.
Even for Military Modelers, We have our fair share of trouble trying to get everything completed.
Personally, I also have many kits that have been left to abandon.
But I will finish them up as Jiaqi has done too.