I am back with updates on pretty much everything.
This past few weeks, I have been really working real hard on various models both from Warhammer and Military.
Its been one hardcore season of doing stuff and I can safely say that you guys are in for a treat of new models, military stuff and Warhammer. With Warhammer releasing their new 8th edition, I figured why not give a brief overview of what i have been up to with Warhammer for this entry.
First of all, I have completed my Men-at-Arms regiment. trying some new techniques of painting and going from my "clean slate" type of one colour, one dimension painting to a mroe dirtier and more shading and drybrushing technique in my later models. I have yet to perfect blending and other better painting technique but i can safely say I have improve over the years i guess.
Have been basing my old Warhammer stuff and trying to salvage the ugly looking models and making them look better. I won't deny there is a lot more to continue on but I can say that its been fulfilling.
Here's a few of the stuff that i have assembled so far,

Angry Doggie. (Dry Brushed)

Wanted to Colour the lady in "real" colours but I felt that the metallic coating gave the Statue a more "gothic" feel to it. Noticed that the candles are sorta drybrushed and I tried painting the flame to look a lil more "LIFE"-liked.

Here is the Flagbearer of my Men-at-arms. Looking rather old from the inking that I have done on his face. Loving the Mustache on him though. :p Really gotta say He looks good in it :).

General Overlook of the Flagbearer.

Assembling all my Men-at-arms.
These pictures do not do justice to the amount that I have been doing. All I can say is stay tune to many many more stuff from me. And that doesn't include the awesome stuff that Joshua will be featuring too.
Till then, Glad of all the support and stay tune to many more stuff.