Hi again. Sorry for the late posts or the long delays.
Its been awhile and Josh and I have been pretty preoccupied with School and Work. Its been hell for me in terms of school, but I'll make it through, like how this Lizardmen would make it through any tabletop gaming conflict.
If You are all curious who did this Lizardmen, fear no more, for I shall be giving a more in-depth review on the maker of these Lizardmen and many more of their works that you might have seen on our old Warhammer blog.
This figure is painted by a company called Paintedfigs.com
Headed by Mr. Navin Weeraratne, Paintedfigs is a company that provides painting services for your models for tabletop gaming and they do a wide range of stuff, including the picture above.
You gotta be asking yourself this though, What makes them standout from ALL the other painting companies? Well, firstly, the COST. They have the most competitive prices that beat all of their competitors.
Till this day, there is noone else I know that gives a better price than Navin. In a Economic term, he has the monopoly in terms of cheapest painting service. Secondly, the guy does pretty much everything that involves in tabletop gaming. Paintedfigs will take ur sprues and give u the final product, inclusive of assembly, removal of excess plastic and also basing. (Some other companies actually charge for each process seperately)
Furthermore, the guy is friendly and patient into listening to your preferences and would emulate as much as possible according to your requirements. However, sometimes you got to lay down the specifics.
Quite a number of my figures are testament to Navin's painting services. My Chaos Army is painted by paintedfigs and I must say they have done a real awesome job on all of them as you can see from the various photoes i have featured in the old Warhammer Blog. I had a my Knight Errants painted by them and also my friends have receive various other painted jobs from paintedfigs like this Lizardmen.
Okae, I'm guessing you might think I'm being one sided and trying to appease Paintedfigs for my own benefit. But here's the thing, I will always try and be balance on this.
Paintedfigs is an affordable way for u to get ur figures done by spending money on time that you do not have to let other people use their own time to do it for u. Essentially though, If you want Epic Artful quality type of figures painted, I suggest you either spent the time making it yourself or spent a fortune on those painting services that actually do offer it. I am also not a particular fan for their painting skills on human skin or their detailing of the eyes. Sometimes there is no depth in the texture of the skin for their paint job unless u tell them or instruct them on the technique you would like done to make it better.
Another problem with Paintedfigs is that if you do not emphasize or be as specific as possible, some details and definition on the painting may be left out.
However, its not like Everyone is totally perfect. And as far as i know, Paintedfigs have done great jobs when it comes to Chaos, the Lizardmen above and Space Marines too. A lot of their products are pretty awesome looking aside from what i pointed out. Furthermore, they have made their figures sturdy and strong after assembly so you hardly find them breaking apart while using them for tabletop gaming.
In Summary, If you are looking for tabletop to Collector's Quality of painted models, Paintedfigs is the most reasonable service you can get. Furthermore, if you buy Warhammer from them with the intent on using their services, you get a discount which makes it even less expensive and way more convenient than shipping your figures to them from your own country.
They offer to do many paint service for typically any type of models which is also something that makes them great. With great service and a killer price, it is hard to find fault in what they have to offer. Especially when you truly do not have the time to make that army yourself, but you want a painted army to boast for a tournament.
I think I have said my fair share of this Paintedfigs.com service. In the end, only you can be the best judge of what they have to offer. All I am doing is just giving you my own personal experience with Paintedfigs service along with the pictures to show for it.
Here's the website to begin to see what they have to offer: http://www.paintedfigs.com
Probably, gonna ask them for help on other stuff soon. Hmmmm...
HAHa till then.. See you again soon ;)